Moving into the rainy season, it’s a good time to ensure you are aware and prepared for the unfortunate incidences that heavy rain and storms can cause.

Storms or strong winds can cause a lot of damage, so it pays to be prepared. Wondering how much time you have before the storms hit, count the number of seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder to get an idea of how far way the storm is and how long you still have before it arrives. Every three seconds is roughly equivalent to one kilometer.

Tips to avoid or minimise damages:

  • Check that your gutters are cleaned of debris like leaves / and bird nests. Falling limbs or trees, hail or other object can block water flow causing pooling which can seep into your home and cause damage, including leaks.
  • Remove dead wood – trimming your trees regularly will help fewer branches fall in heavy winds or other severe weather.
  • Secure all your outdoor items – take your patio furniture, bins, gardening tools and ornaments inside to avoid hail damage / water damage.
  • Make sure that the drains are cleaned in your property.
  • Make sure that your roof is regularly maintained.
  • It isn’t dangerous to watch TV during a thunderstorm, but the electronics in a TV set are vulnerable. … Over-voltages resulting from a lightning strike may follow electrical conductors into the handset therefor it will be better to unplug all electrical devices. Surge protectors will protect your property during thunderstorm and may minimise the loss or even avoid a loss all together.
  • During a storm you need to avoid contact with any device that is connected to a wall outlet, but it safe to use wireless devices that are not connected to wall outlets, including cellular and cordless phones, if you are inside.
  • The National Weather Service urges the public to avoid hopping in the shower during a lightning storm in the even that a bolt strikes one of your home’s water pipes and electrifies your bathroom.
  • Close your pool cover.
  • Put your car in your garage under your carport or under a roof. If your parked outside, protect it with a thick blanket.
  • Protect skylights with a thick blanket or old carpet.
  • When you’re driving and you cannot find shelter from the storm, stop in a safe place and wait for the hail to pass, this reduces the impact and damages.

After the storm…

CIB has a specialised team dedicated to YOUR needs in time of NEED. They are highly trained and specialised team and will only be dealing with the storm claims, ensuring efficient service.

You can do the following after a storm occurred:

  • Check your home and property for damage. Be very careful climbing ladder or working on roofs.
  • Cover leaking roofs before the next rain to prevent further water damage.
  • Remove wet rugs and carpets from floors.
  • Open windows and run fans if you have water damage in your home.
  • Keep clear of damaged buildings, power lines and trees, use extreme caution if using a chainsaw to cut trees and branches.
  • Be aware of road hazards such as floodwater, debris and damaged roads or bridges.
  • Don’t drive through affected areas unless it is necessary.

Hiring your own contractor to do repairs:

  • Did you know that should you do repairs before informing CIB, it could have a negative impact on your claim? Always inform us before starting with repairs after a loss, we will get a contractor / loss adjuster to you as soon as possible. Should you have emergency repair to be done, you have up to R5 000 to spend, however all supporting document as photos and invoices and damage report confirming the cause of damage.
  • Should you still require using your own contractor, avoid “fly by night” who are not in your area.
  • Be patient with the contractors since they may be overwhelmed with work after the storm.